OxE FVG Magazzino delle idee

From 26.06.2020 to 16.08.2020

The Magazzino delle Idee in Trieste reopens on Friday 26 June with an exhibition unlike any other. Not dedicated to one personality in particular, but to Friuli Venezia Giulia, its artists, its collections and of course its inhabitants.

The exhibition

Restarting after the period of forced closure and starting again from its own collections. This is the path chosen by the Regional Agency for the Cultural Heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia with the exhibition, realised in record time at the Magazzino delle Idee in Trieste, entitled OxE fvg, in which works from the collections of the Provincial Museums of Gorizia and the Regional Gallery of Contemporary Art Luigi Spazzapan of Gradisca d’Isonzo, both managed by Erpac, are exhibited. Paintings and sculptures signed by artists from the region and arranged along a chronological span from the post-World War II period to the first decades of the new millennium. We read in the exhibition’s introductory text that the exhibition proceeds mainly by formal relationships, although there is no lack of references to the history of the short century. It is therefore natural to hope that such a comparison can, in the near future, be extended to include the other contemporary art collections in Friuli Venezia Giulia.


The artists

More than fifty works from the last decades selected from the collections of the Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale (ERPAC) give life to an exhibition that does not proceed by chronology or theme, but emphasises continuities and discontinuities in the work of artists who have marked the history of art in the region and beyond. Afro’s gestural abstractionism dialogues with the paintings of Celiberti and Mario Di Iorio, Getulio Alviani’s geometries contrast with those of Ciussi and Saffaro, a rosette of stones by Nane Zavagno contrasts with the crumbling of stones from a mountain by Music.

The suspended time of Sergio Scabar’s photographs, enhanced by the darkness of a niche, contrasts with the primordial and expressive otherness of a grey marble bucranium by Stefano Comelli, while the more intimate character of the compositions by Dora Bassi and Gianna Marini is contrasted by the exuberance, already in monumental dimensions, of Miela Reina’s work.

However, the path of formal relations outlined here can be replaced by one that proceeds by references to history, linking Celiberti’s Prison Diary to Spacal’s Homage to the Martyrs of the Risiera, or one that revisits religious iconography, leading from Pino Mocchiut’s Red Christ to Giorgio Valvassori’s Holy Family and Annunciation.

These are just some of the many interpretations offered by an exhibition that we want to be an opportunity to rediscover a city exhibition space, regional collections and the cultural vitality of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The exhibition is organised by the Regional Cultural Heritage Agency in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency.

Magazzino delle idee mostra Oxe opera di Alfred De Locatelli Uomo su Misura
Magazzino delle idee mostra Oxe opera di Afro Grande grigio

Openin hours


 10:00 am –  7:00 pm

Closed on Monday


Free admittance

Friuli Venezia Giulia
Patrimonio culturale logo
Soprintendenza nuovo logo
Musei provinciali Gorizia Logo
Galleria Spazzapan